Skiing and Copter Action in Lech / Zuers

Last week, early in the morning when other people were sleeping and dreaming of adventures, we packed our fpv copter, our skies and settled the truck. Long before 5 o’clock we went off for another skiing and copter action trip in the beautiful alps of Austria. Caused by the bad weather situation in the southern alps we decided quickly to visit the alpine skiing place at the „Arlberg“ – Lech and Zuers.

While the world woke up and got ready for busy work, we arrived at the small alpine village and hit the slopes. After checking out the sunny area by carving our tracks into the maiden snow, it was the time for our copter to hit the thin alpine air.

But the first flight was a struggle between the motors and the 3S 2600 mAh lipo pack. Caused by the cold and harsh conditions, the battery pack wasn’t able to power the rotors enough for an agile flight.

So, what to do ? – The skiing and copter action trip couldn’t be over just by low powered lipos. Minutes of helplessness and disappointment passed by – like the storm cloud above our heads …

Fortunately we found another two 4S 3000 mAh lipo packs in our lipo bunker and could set the stage for the next cycle. So in less than two minutes the copter and our full proved fpv case was installed and only waiting for commands.
This time the quad obeyed the input signals correctly and an fpv flight in more than 2200 m above sea level was possible. Even the strong gusts became manageable through the bigger lipo package. Only the low contrast and direct sunlight made the fpv flight even a bit more difficult.

Check out the results in our Video on Vimeo:

So long, stay tuned



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