Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein

Taking LTE Based Drone Operations a step further

SUASNews has reported today that Verizon has announced their strategy today to enable advanced LTE based drone operations in the future to take the commercialization of drones a step further (SUASNews article link below). Besides all the regulation talks for … Weiterlesen

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Yuneec Typhoon H Camera Connection Fix

We got a lot of comments on our review about the Yuneec Typhoon H Camera Connection problems. We’ve also realized that point: The time until the ST16 Ground Controller is connected with the CGo3Plus Camera was up to 3 minutes. … Weiterlesen

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Yuneec Typhoon H – the rising star in 2016 ?

At the Nurmberg ToyFair Yuneec shows off it’s brand new hexacopter the Yuneec Typhoon H. The technical components within this model are a game changer and will be the start of a new age within drone security. In our interview product manager Dan talks … Weiterlesen

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Walkera Expands FPV Race Drone Portfolio

On the Nuremberg Toy Fair Walkera has presented a fine expansion of their FPV Race Drone Portfolio. With the successful market introduction of the Runner 250 Walkera has entered the fast growing FPV Racing scene with one of the first serious … Weiterlesen

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Xiro Drone expands it’s drone portfolio

Xiro Drone is back on Nuremberg’s Toy Fair and expands it’s drone portfolio heavily. In our report on the company’s Toy Fair presentation in 2015 they had only one drone at display. Since then the company (which has renamed itself from Zero … Weiterlesen

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The EHang Ghost Drone 2.0 for aerial photography

On Nuremberg Toy Fair EHang has presented their pretty mature hobby drone for aerial photographers. The young Chinese company was founded in 2014 and became famous on 2016’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas where they have presented the … Weiterlesen

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New Graupner FPV drones – Will they grow strong on FPV Racing?

On the Nuremberg Toy Fair Graupner is back, with their new Graupner FPV drone line-up. On the booth in Nuremberg we had the chance to talk to Graupner’s CEO Hannes Runknagel about their product range of drones and multirotors (full interview video … Weiterlesen

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FPV ascension to top of Radio Tower „Sender Mühlacker“

Just before new year we decided to do an FPV flight to the top of Mühlacker’s signature landmark it’s radio tower „Sender Mühlacker“. Before the ascension we did a bit of research about the history of radio towers in Mühlacker. … Weiterlesen

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As I am about to change my older PWM receivers step by step to PPM receivers (using the wonderful FrSky D4R-II) I have not found any clues about connecting this receiver to a MultiWii board on the internet (in this … Weiterlesen

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Stuttgart fall fpv meeting 1.0 near Maulbronn

On Saturday morning several geeks from the fpv-community met for their first Stuttgart fall fpv meeting on the meadows near Maulbronn. Checking out the stuff from the others, talking shop about the lastest news in the scene or having a beer … Weiterlesen

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