Skiing-Fun and Quadcopter-Shots – Sölden 2013

This January we spent a few days in Sölden (Austria) to go skiing. As posted earlier we took a quad up to the glacier and did some video shots there.

We are still working on the shaking stability of the quad (which is equipped with an APM 2.5). Nevertheless, the overall footage should be okay. The shots were taken with a Gopro 2 and a Gopro 3 Black Edition. Although the Gopro 2 image quality is still very good the Gopro 3 further improves that. Especially the 120 FPS capability is nice for slow motion and will be an perfect basis for further processing in tools like Twixtor or other slow motion interpolation tools.

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FPV flight to space and back: David Windestal’s latest project truely fascinates!

To boldly go where no FPV-pilot has gone before! David Windestal, a Scandinavian FPV-pioneer, came up with an truely impressive journey. He sends his customized Multiplex Funjet with a weather baloon to the edge of Earth’s stratosphere and controlls the plane back to earth.

He tells the story in his calm and modest manner so that I can’t help myself but to enjoy every minute of this mission. Not everything went as planned. Even after the carefull selection of all of the FPV- and RC gear, the rules of physics and some bad luck changed the mission plan and gave it some unexpected twists. See for yourself.

Thumbs up for first class videos like this. (Also check out his website for more info on that project:


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Update: dji GoPro Zenmuse

Just like we reported three weeks ago from the Nuremberg toy fair, dji innovations confirmed, that they are going to sell the dji GoPro Zenmuse gimbal. With a smaller and lighter version of the Zenmuse Z-15, dji wants to offer an out-of-the-box soultion, working with their fight control system WooKong. Supporting the GoPro HD Hero 2 and Hero 3 camera this gimbal may become very interesting to most camera flyers.

Today, the fast growing company from Shenzhen accomplished that video on Youtube

The video shows how accurate and fast the system works. Even some shakes and little bounces are no problem for the small GoPro Zenmuse system. The camera line is still very smooth and it really looks like a grounded cam on a roll-bar.

The official statement form dji innovations names the features:

  • All aluminum alloy manufactured
  • Brushless motor direct drive
  • Based on the technology of Zenmuse
  • Camera Types: support GOPRO hero2 and GOPRO hero3
  • Support GOPRO hero2 remote photos shooting and video shooting control

Matt & Thomas



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Futuristic multicopter design from Sky Hero


Multicopter future has just started. The Guy’s from Sky-Hero, whom we met at the Nuremberg „toy fair“, came up with a new and unseen fresh design for multicopters. Mainly built of carbon fiber they offer some very robust looking frames, adorned with a organic shaped plastic cover. Special and different from common frames are the super-thick booms – 30mm diameter – which offer a lot of space e.g. for housing the ESC’s within the arms. Thus, the center plate only bears the flight controller and receiver. Also well engineered is the lipo mount. To reduce the high frequency vibration for sensitive electronics like FPV gear and camera, the developers from Sky Hero decided to mount the camera along with the lipo on a separate, rubber damped plate underneath the center plate. The mass inertia of the lipo will improve the quality of the recordings by filtering out the mentioned high frequency vibrations. To complete that all common professional gimbals could be fitted to the frames.

Sky Hero Spider Frame

The cool dev guys from Belgium offer two different multicopter patterns. A “Spider” frame (X4 and X8 configs possible) and also a tricopter frame, which is called “Spy” (Y3 and Y6 configs possible). Depending on the personal purpose of the copters (fun fly vs. powerful carrier) you can choose the single or double powered configuration. The engineers did a great job on that. Also, all motor-mounts are similar and interchangable: One design fits all.

Besides the new design, the Sky-Heros adopted a common idea from clothing industry. They offer every copter in 3 different sizes. Small, medium and large are the dimensions the copter can be delivered.

In our opinion the work from Robert, Yves and Patrick from Sky-Heros is somewhat great. We appreciate the new ideas as well as the beautifully shaped and colored frames they’re putting into the multicopter market. We definately would like to see more from them. Keep up the good work, guys!

Some more impressions from the toy fair ..

Sky Hero - Spider Large

Sky Hero - Spy

Matt & Thomas


Facebook Page from Sky-Heros

Homepage Sky-Heros

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Little Zenmuse: dji gimbal for GoPro unveiled on Nürnberg Toy Fair

dji company signature

The Shenzhen based hobby and electronics company „dji innovation“ had a successful start into the multirotor business by releasing their flamewheel and S800 product range last year. Besides the multirotor frames and some well designed out-of-the-box flight controllers one of their greatest achievements was the Zenmuse Z-15 gimbal for their S800 Spreading Wings hexacopter. The gimbals super accurate response time to shakes and direction changes in mid-flight were unparalleled in the industry. Unfortunately so was also the price tag for the Zenmuse Z-15 of approx. USD 3.000. Today on the Nuremberg Toy Fair we could take a look at a new product which will be released in April this year: A high quality dji gimbal for GoPro’s.

Gimbal GoPro small

The gimbal is machined out of solid aluminum and will ship as a 2-axis or a 3-axis version. Release date will be for the 2-axis version May 2013 and the 3-axis version will be shipped in July this year. The axis‘ are directly driven by high resolution brushless motors with a accuracy of +/-0.08 degrees. As the dji Naza flight conroller has an 2-axis gimbal control output it is very likely that the entry version of the gimbal could be hooked up to the Naza. The 3-axis gimbal is likely to have an external gyro unit for controlling all 3 degrees of freedom. The salesperson at the fair mentioned that the gimbal will feature the control algorithms of the Zenmuse Z-15.

Checking that specs we expect the small dji gimbal to set a new quality standard for GoPro sized multicopter camera mounts.

Stay tuned for more info!

Thomas & Matt

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FPV Copter im Donautal

Vergangenes Wochenende haben wir das gute Wetter genutzt um unseren FPV Copter im Donautal auszupacken und einige Felsen vor die Linse zu bekommen. Hier die ersten Impressionen von den Felswänden. Weitere Videos, von der Donau und dem Donautal werden folgen ..

So long, stay tuned .. enjoy us, like us, share us 😉


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Geeks mit dem Quadkopter in Sölden (Gaislachkogel, 3056 m ü. NHN)

Die FPV-Geeks (Matt und Tommy) waren für ein paar Tage zum Wintersport in Sölden und hatten den APM2.5 Quadkopter inkl. GoPros im Gepäck. In den nächsten Tagen werden wir das Videomaterial für Euch „mundgerecht“ aufbereiten. Freut Euch auf „Ski- und Copterspaß“ in Tirols bekanntem Wintersport-Mekka! Stay tuned…


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Now it’s done .. our Fanpage on is online now 🙂

To stay in touch with us, we would like to become our friend – and you’ll never miss any news from us 😉

We like it – you too .? ist nun auch bei Facebook zu finden. Damit Ihr noch besser informiert bleibt, welche Neuigkeiten es rund um unser Hobby gibt!

We like it – ihr auch ?


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ArduPilot APM 2.5


Pünktlich zu Weihnachten erreicht mich das brandneue ArduPilot APM 2.5 Control Board aus der amerikanischen Hardware-Schmiede DIY Drones. Sehr findige Idee der Betreiber, der Store bietet die Möglichkeit das Board in Einzelteile zu ordern oder bereits komplett aufgebaut. Ich habe mich der Einfachheit halber für die Out of the Box Version entschieden und wurde sehr positiv überrascht. Das Board mach einen sehr hochwertigen Eindruck und kann definitiv mit der asiatischen Konkurrenz DJI mithalten.

Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Boards sind unübertroffen. Ob im Rover, Flächenmodell, Tricopter, Quadrocopter, Hexacopter, Octocopter oder im Helicopter – dieses Board kann einfach jedes Modell steuern.

Neben den Standard Input und Output Anschlüssen für die Motor / Servo Steuerung und die Eingangssignale des Empfängers, verfügt das Board zusätzlich über diverse I/O Schnittstellen. So können weitere Signale ausgegeben oder empfangen und verarbeitet werden. Das Entwickler Team hat an dieser Stelle die Pan Tilt Servos für die Kamera, den Auslöser, das RSSI Signal sowie Kontrollleuchten der Motoren und Messgeräte für die Spannung und Stromstärke vorgesehen.

Ein weiteres Highlight ist das mitgelieferte GPS Modul, das bei anderen Herstellern erst noch als Zusatz dazugekauft werden muss. In Verbindung mit der umfangreichen Software Mission Planner kann bereits über das Laptop oder PC die Flugstrecke durch Waypoints definiert werden die das Modell abfliegen soll.

Neben den vielfältigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten in unterschiedlichen Modellen und die verschiedenen Flight-Modies ist vor allem der Preis ein schlagkräftiges Argument der für das APM 2.5 spricht. Ich möchte behaupten das ein so professionelles und umfangreiches Board aktuell nirgendwo günstiger zu haben ist.

Trotz der Out-of-the-Box Lösung schadet das Geek-Gen beim Einrichten nicht 😉


So long, stay tuned .. weitere Videos und Berichte zum APM.2.5 von DIY Drones werden in kürze folgen 😉

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Merry Christmas FPV Geeks

Wir wünschen allen FPV Geeks frohe Weihnachten und möchten uns für die Unterstützung im vergangenen Jahr bedanken und hoffen auf viele weitere Klickes, Likes und Shares im kommenden Jahr 🙂

Euer FPV Geeks Team

Und hier noch ein kleines für eure Freundinnen und Familien


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